If you purchase a new Linux cloud hosting, it's generated on a server and the process normally takes a while, including the verification and processing of the transaction, which many companies execute personally. When you purchase a dedicated server, for instance, the setup takes more time because the machine must be built, installed and tried to guarantee that it'll function properly. That's why, a large number of providers have a one-time charge to cover the time and efforts spent on your new account. The cost, which can sometimes be quite high, is generally not displayed on the main page, and you will see it on the checkout or payment page, therefore you won't be aware of it before you have already gone through the whole registration process and you can even overlook it unless you pay close attention.

Setup Fee in Cloud Hosting

When you purchase a cloud hosting plan from us, you will never be required to pay any kind of setup fees. In fact, we do not have other concealed charges of any sort either. We value every single client and it is our concept that if you purchase any plan from us, you should not be charged anything else than the charge for the web hosting package. You will not find any concealed charges after or before your order, which shows you that we are a reliable and loyal supplier. The price of your new shared website hosting package is the same all around on our website - the main page, the order as well as the payment pages. Because we also provide instant account activation, you won't have to wait for many hours or even days in order to begin building your site.

Setup Fee in Semi-dedicated Servers

When you order a semi-dedicated server package from us, you will pay just the monthly fee that you can already see on our website. Your account will be set up on our servers and we will activate it in a few minutes at no additional fee. This will be valid for each and every monthly charge and regardless of the number of accounts that you acquire. It is our belief that it is unreasonable to charge additional money for an activity that we have almost fully computerized, so you won't ever see any sort of setup charges or another obscured fees. For this reason, all of the costs which are listed on our main page, on your payment page and on your bank statement will always be exactly the same.

Setup Fee in VPS Servers

If you acquire a VPS server from our company, all you will need to pay is the standard monthly fee for the package you have selected and this charge will be exactly the same each month that you use the server. We do not have any sort of concealed or setup fees and we believe that creating a long-term business partnership that is dependant on trust is more crucial than asking you for a couple of additional dollars with some obscured charge that you do not see on the main page. We shall assemble your virtual server and install its OS plus all the necessary software absolutely free of charge. When you get the VPS with our Hepsia hosting Control Panel and you curently have a shared hosting package here, we will even migrate your data to the new server free of cost.

Setup Fee in Dedicated Servers

When you order a dedicated server through us, all you'll need to pay will be the standard monthly rate for the package. We shall assemble the hardware configuration that you have picked through the signup, we will install an OS, web server, website hosting Control Panel as well as all the other software that is provided with our plans, then test the machine, but we will never require you to pay anything additional for this. The price of the dedicated server you select will always be exactly the same - on the main page, on the order page and throughout your payment process, and there will be no concealed fees of any type. When you acquire a dedicated server having our Hepsia control panel and you already have a shared web hosting account through our company, we will move all your content - again at no extra cost.